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Yoga for New Mums

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Klub Multi Klub Multi

Motherhood is a unique stage in the life of every woman, but at the same time very demanding. After 9 months your baby is finally with you and he or she is completely changing your life. Most likely you are exhausted.

When you get the green light from your doctor or midwife think about starting some physical activity. Yoga for new mothers brings many benefits.

• It will help you relax your muscles, calm down your body and mind
• Rebuild and strengthen the pelvic floor, abdominals and back muscles after pregnancy
• It will improve your posture.
• it will help you deal with stress
• Improve your immune system and body resilience
• Regular yoga can improve sleep,
• Increase your serotonin production (happiness hormone), lowering the chances of postpartum depression and mood swings.
• Some Yoga poses and breathing exercises can regulate your hormones and increase libido.

About instructor:
Anna Godek-Kose, personal trainer, women's health coach, yoga and Pilates instructor for 8 years, specialist in postnatal rehabilitation and exercise for women during pregnancy, during perimenopause and menopause.
The author of training programs, workshops and courses for mothers in the UK and Poland.

Price/ koszt: 35 zł

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